Welcome! + What To Expect


                               H E L L O !
Welcome to the place where we hope give you a firsthand look into all things (or at least a lot of things) involving Cru's Summer Mission at Hampton Beach! Hopefully you've made your way around this site and have enjoyed what you've seen so far!

My name is Jocelyn and I'm one of the staff leading this year's mission, & I'm in charge of all things media! This blog section of the site will be used for students to share their POV experiences of HBSM.

Maybe you're a family member of a student who's currently on mission. Maybe a friend from your campus is here, and maybe you're considering coming here yourself! Maybe you're completely new to the idea of Cru's Summer Missions and simply want to find out more about Hampton Beach. Maybe you've heard a lot about Summer Missions back on campus, and you're wondering if they're realllyyyy as great & life-changing as people claim they are. (They are). Maybe HB sparks your interest but you want to see a little more of  -- the nitty gritty kind of stuff. In any case, the hope is that this blog will answer questions + provide a more holistic view of the things that go on here! Stick around & we'll be featuring student posts soon!