From Parents Point of View

Bob and Mary had been hesitant for Matt (left) to spend an entire summer on mission. For starters, he was only 19, and also there was a lot of money to raise.

“It stretched my faith as well,” Bob mentioned as he recalled the process of surrendering Matt’s summer plans to the Lord. He told us that God had given him a moment of clarity—that if God wanted Matt on mission, then surely He would provide the funds. Bob nodded as he explained that Matt was able to raise every dollar needed for the mission and in a short amount of time.

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“God is bigger than any one of us. He is capable.”

~Mary Cregger

Bob and Mary kindly shared their point of view as parents: Mission ended up being such a positive experience for Matt, that the next year, when Josh (right) was considering it, they eagerly encouraged him to go. Mary told us,  “When Matt came back, He was very confident to share his faith. There was no wavering in his desire.” 

Bob added, “He came back on fire spiritually…also he was a much better house-keeper, haha, but the fact is that during the trip, it was his first opportunity to lead someone to Christ. It was priceless and humbling. He came back a much more a mature man than when he left, even though it was just a few months.” 

The Creggers shared their thanks when they visited Hampton Beach for Josh’s baptism in 2018. We recently caught up with both Matt and Josh who both attribute their summers on mission as the catalyst for a more purposeful life with Christ. Josh asked Matt to describe Hampton Beach Summer Mission in one word. Matt replied, “transformative.” Both Matt and Josh are still following the Lord and are purposeful to share Jesus with others.

When asked if they could do it again, would they let Matt and Josh go? They both immediately nodded. “Absolutely, it was life-changing for them both.”